My evolving mission
This mission statement began as a download after diving deeply into a men’s shamanic tantric session in Chicago in the late fall of 2023. And it’s still evolving.
"I hold space for the healing and evolution of humanity
by modeling and inviting conscious leadership
by dismantling systems of oppression in myself and the world
by sharing our stories of individual and collective transformation — in order to dream the new world into existence."
I do this at multiple levels:
Supporting organizations in funding work that empowers communities to thrive, grow, and be healthy
Inviting organizations to become more humane, well, and aligned with their highest purpose
Helping leaders, changemakers, and spiritual seekers discover and live their highest purpose and birthing transformative projects into the world
Curating embodied experiences of sexual and spiritual integration for queerfolk to become more intimately connected with who they are, why they are here, and who they love
Becoming a channel of Divine Love and showing up unapologetically authentic and integrated in my true essence — with humility and imperfection